Summer Reading Passport Program for Youth
CommonWealth One Launches Summer Reading Passport Program for Youth
This summer, CommonWealth One wants to encourage local youth to sit down with a good book!
To encourage reading and further our young members’ financial education, CommonWealth One has launched its 2021 Summer Reading Program! The program runs through Aug. 31, and it’s a great way to encourage your child to read and learn important money management skills during the summer break. Plus, they can earn up to $25!
This year, CommonWealth One is offering two reading programs — one is designed for children ages 3 to 12 and the other program for youth ages 13 to 18.
Education is one of the core missions of credit unions like CommonWealth One — and we know education shouldn’t stop just because school is out for the summer!
Participation in the Summer Reading Program is easy and fun.
For youth ages 3 to 12, parents can download the official CommonWealth One Summer Reading Passport and the reading list.
Students can choose books from the reading list. With each completed book, the reader can earn a passport stamp and $5. Those who read four books and submit their completed passport (either in person or electronically) will earn a total of $25. Passports must be submitted by Aug. 31, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. Funds will be deposited in their youth savings account at CommonWealth One, which can earn 2.1% APY on the first $1,000 on deposit!
For youth ages 13 to 18, CommonWealth One is offering an electronic summer reading challenge through the credit union’s Banzai Classroom! Youth will get to practice money management skills and learn about living expenses, creating a budget and saving for the unexpected. Then, youth are invited to create a 30-second video on their experience detailing a few things they learned. Upon successful completion of the course and submission of their video, qualifying entrants will earn $25, which will be deposited into their youth savings account.
Both programs end Aug. 31, 2021.
About CommonWealth One Federal Credit Union
Since 1944, CommonWealth One Federal Credit Union, headquartered in Alexandria, VA, has grown to become one of Washington, D.C., and Northern Virginia’s top credit unions. CommonWealth One is a full-service, member-owned, not-for-profit financial cooperative committed to being its members' lifetime financial partner. CommonWealth One has branches in Washington, D.C., Alexandria, VA, and Harrisonburg, VA (including at James Madison University).
Information is valid as of publication date and rates are subject to change without notice. View current deposit rates and current loan rates.

This credit union has been a big part of my family as we've faced different life transitions, like purchasing cars and managing our finances. I appreciate the engaging programs for my children. The auto loan product has been especially helpful for me, providing a simplified car shopping experience.
Member Since 2009
CommonWealth One Federal Credit Union is a full-service financial institution with branches in Northern Virginia, Maryland and Washington D.C.