Make a Loan Payment
Pay the way that's easiest for you.
We make it easy to make a loan payment
Whether you're interested in digital transactions or writing checks, you have several options for paying your CommonWealth One loan.
Ways to pay your loan
Here's a quick and easy way to make electronic payments from a non-CommonWealth One account. Submit your loan payment through ACH or a Visa, Mastercard or Discover debit card from another financial institution for a nominal fee.§
If you're already using direct deposit for your paycheck, you can funnel a portion automatically toward your loan through payroll deduction. Or you can set up recurring automatic transfers within online banking for worry-free payments.
You can always visit one of our branches to drop off your payment.
If you want to mail us a check, please use this address and include your loan account number on the memo line.
CommonWealth One Federal Credit Union
P.O. Box 9997
Alexandria, VA 22304
Save a bundle in interest charges with our driver-friendly auto loan rates.

What's Your Journey?

This credit union has been a big part of my family as we've faced different life transitions, like purchasing cars and managing our finances. I appreciate the engaging programs for my children. The auto loan product has been especially helpful for me, providing a simplified car shopping experience.
Member Since 2009
CommonWealth One Federal Credit Union is a full-service financial institution with branches in Northern Virginia, Maryland and Washington D.C.