Savings Accounts
Set your goal and start making progress!
Take the first step toward making dreams come true
Everything is possible when you're saving with CommonWealth One. Our accounts are designed to help you generate more interest with competitive rates so you can do great things for yourself and your family.

Share Savings Account
A $5 deposit starts your savings journey and provides access to all CommonWealth One financial products and services.

Centsables Youth Savings Program
Show your children the value of saving money for all types of reasons through our Youth Savings account.

Kasasa Saver® Savings Account
Pair this account with your Kasasa checking account and everyday activities can help you earn higher yields on your balance.

Money Management Accounts
Give your savings a boost with two options that pays higher dividends than most standard savings accounts.

Club Savings Accounts
Holidays? Vacations? Start planning for those fun and memorable moments by saving money throughout the year.
We’ll stand by your side on your journey
Earn competitive dividends
Free digital banking tools
No monthly maintenance fees