Account Alerts

Always keeping an eye on your accounts. 

Enjoy Free Checking And High Yields

We offer dividends as high as 5.50% on your checking balance.

You'll know exactly what's happening with your accounts

How's that for peace of mind? Because you can't monitor activity all the time, we do–through our account alerts. 

Sign up for text or email alerts

Know when your balance is low

Find out when a large withdrawal occurs

Get notified of suspicious activity

Customize your notifications for more security

You always want to know what's going on with your money, and it's easy to do that without much effort. Choose various types of account alerts within online and mobile banking to receive real-time updates. It's a great way to stay informed and an effective way to spot fraudulent activity. Here's how you set up your alerts: 

  1. Log in to online banking
  2. Click the "Settings" tab
  3. Click "Email Notifications" (enrollment is required for Personalized Notifications)
  4. After enrolling, click "Set up Personalized Notifications"
  5. Click "View/Customize"
  6. Click "Add Personalized Notification"
  7. Select "Share Withdrawal Above a Dollar Amount" to receive notification when your account has a withdrawal above a specified amount
  8. Click "Next"
  9. Enter the dollar amount for the notification and select the account,
  10. Choose Email, SMS (Text), or Both Email and SMS (Text) (if available)
  11. Click "Next", then "Yes" to add your Personalized Notification

What's Your Journey?

This credit union has been a big part of my family as we've faced different life transitions, like purchasing cars and managing our finances. I appreciate the engaging programs for my children. The auto loan product has been especially helpful for me, providing a simplified car shopping experience.

Member Since 2009

CommonWealth One Federal Credit Union is a full-service financial institution with branches in Northern Virginia, Maryland and Washington D.C.