Become a Member
Empower your money to do more.
We're always focused on you
Why join CommonWealth One? Let's keep this simple: Lower fees than the big banks. Better loan and deposit account rates. Friendlier service. Resources to improve your financial wellness. And policies designed with members - not profits - in mind.
We're a not-for-profit organization
We answer to members, not shareholders
Join us by opening a Share Account
Take a moment to see if you qualify
You're just 5 bucks away from better banking
Here you'll see we offer everything you'd find at one of those bigger financial institutions, but with the deck stacked in your favor instead of theirs. To access our first-rate services, just open a savings account and deposit at least $5. After that, we'll provide you with all the tools needed to manage your money, as well as personal service from people who truly care about your financial well-being.
- Great rates on loans and higher dividends on savings
- Lower fees and service charges
- Excellent service
- Commitment to your financial education
How to Qualify
Most people qualify for CommonWealth One membership depending on where they live or work. But there are other ways if you:
Live, work, worship or more in these areas
We serve anyone who lives, works, worships, goes to school, or volunteers in the following areas: City of Alexandria, VA (specific areas); Washington, D.C.; City of Harrisonburg, VA; Warren County, VA; Clarke County, VA
Are a member of the Virginia Consumer Council
- You can join CommonWealth One by becoming a lifetime member of the non-profit, consumer education organization, Virginia Consumer Council (VACC), residing in Virginia, Maryland, Washington DC, North Carolina, West Virginia, Kentucky, or Tennessee, and enjoying the many benefits and services that it offers.
- The Virginia Consumer Council advocates on behalf of consumers and educates and trains consumers in how to purchase safe, reliable products and services. They administer the Green C Certification Program to encourage environmental stewardship and corporate social responsibility, as well.
- When you open your account online at CommonWealth One, the VCC $15 membership fee is waived. If you open your VCC membership online, use promo code, “COFCU”, to waive the fee.
Are a part of CommonWealth One's Partner Group
If you're employed at one of our more than 200 Sponsor Groups, you are eligible to join. You can also apply to have your company become a Sponsor Group to offer CommonWealth One membership.
Have a relative who is a member of CommonWealth One
The benefits of joining a credit union can be extended to family members of CommonWealth One members. Family members are defined as spouses, children, siblings, parents, grandparents, and grandchildren. Plus, people living in the same household and maintaining a single economic unit qualify for membership.
What's Your Journey?

The credit union provides exceptional service and competitive rates on savings accounts, CDs, and IRAs. Thanks to my savings, I've been able to make a down payment on my house and buy a car.
Member Since 1973
CommonWealth One Federal Credit Union is a full-service financial institution with branches in Northern Virginia, Maryland and Washington D.C.